So here goes.... Enjoy!
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2010 14:00:24 -0400
The following form has been submitted from your website hcgdietcanada:
--------------- Form Response ---------------
01 - Name = Karen
04 - Your Message = I am concerned with the selling of hCG as an oral substance when Dr. Simeons website states that unless it comes from him, the hCG sold by others is not in its true form? How do you respond to that? It is being said that since this is a prescription only, then others, like yourself, are not selling the true hCG because you are not physicians. So I am somewhat concerned with this statement. Also when looking at your pricing....can you break down why a 43 days sold at $159 comes out to be $199.67? Where is the extra $40 added?
Here is my reply....
Thanks for your concern Karen
I sell both homeopathic (no prescription) and offer prescription hCG also.
Originally I only offered prescription because I work at a professional Medical Weight Loss hCG Clinic with a fantastic physician from Toronto overseeing the hCG Diet.
The prescription hCG is totally handled by the this knowlegable doctor, which is why I can only offer prescription hCG in Ontario, the area that the doctor's medical license covers. I am simply an employee of the clinic and really like promoting their prescription hCG to those that demand prescription strength hCG. I make no money but feel better that my Canadian customers have two honest and trustworthy options - one for homeopathic and one for prescription hCG formulations.
So many of my friends wanted to try hCG after I was SO SUCCESSFUL on it - easily (without hunger) losing 29 lbs in 37 days when everything else had failed. BUT my friends and family didn't want to spend the $1,000 + hst that the Physician Monitored hCG Diet plan option cost. Plus they didn't want the extensive physician monitoring that goes with it. We are all so busy these days that sometimes the less time consuming options are the most desirable.
My friends and family just wanted to do it - so they purchased homeopathic from the US. I warned them it wasn't a good idea to use homeopathic hCG and that prescription hCG was the ONLY way.... but low and behold - they ALL lost weight - lots of it - and didn't lose muscle mass and kept the weight off.
So I started to wonder hmmmmm..... same results across the board but with 1/10 of the cost. I figured that since the weight loss was so exciting, making so many people so happy - If I run a money back guarantee let's see what happens. maybe I could create a hobby that I loved doing - a passion...... and 2 months later I can say my over 300+ customers/clients have been thrilled with the results.
hCG'ers come to my house for group talks and motivation sessions and as many many people can attest - my cell phone is ALWAYS on to answer any questions about the hCG diet - whether the caller purchased from me or not! I make sure all hCG dieters get the support needed to finally reach their weight loss goals and stay there.
As for the pricing.I hate it but we have hst tax here in Ontario - 13% tax - which doesn't go into my pocket - it goes into the government's.
The shipping is $20 but it doesn't even cover areas that I ship to further west than calgary - and believe me - I have more customers there than here (word of mouth compounding and quadrupling sales). So on about 30% of all my shipments I actually lose money only charging $20. My costs average out to $20.75/package for shipping so I just charge $20.
Helping others through hCG is my labour of love and I don't make 1/2 the money from it that I do with my day job (which takes up less of my time) but I love the stories I hear and the people I help. It may sound stupid but it makes me feel like a superhero of sorts - the diet is so predictable and it is easy to help people if they stall with simple deductions. I have studied the science of hCG and its benefits for a while now due to offering it at the Medical hCG Diet Clinic.
I hope this helps you believe that hCG is my passion... Not a job. My job is 9-6 Mon-Fri. hCG is every moment in between.
I just started selling hCG because my friends and family wanted me to get it for them and then 'they told two friends and they told two friends and so on' and then it snowballed - in a good way.
... No - a great way!
Where can I buy real hcg in Ontario?