Monday, October 4, 2010

Lots of Good hCG Diet Questions in a Great Email

Here are some great questions from another happy client of hCG Diet Canada.
I put my answers in blue so that you can benefit from Peggy from B.C.'s questions that I get a lot.

Hi Cara; 3 of the VLCD/drops and I have lost 6lbs. My sister has lost close to 10. Just to put things in perspective while using the Weight Watchers min/max weight for your age/height etc, I am 45lbs overweight and my sister is 75lbs.

The first day was tough I have to admit, 2nd day was better and today I am not one bit hungry at all and have been up for 3.5 hours already. And I just simply feel better. Odd, ain't it?

We do have a couple of questions that pop up and if we google on the internet, there are different answers. Since we are doing THIS particular program, I would prefer to use your suggestions.

1) Can we drink Diet Coke, or flavored water? Or even use something like Crystal light that is sweetened with asparatame.
Anything WITHOUT sugar or asparatame is allowed. Look for the two natural sweeteners STEVIA or XYLITOL. Stevia can be found almost anywhere these days because people are realizing how horrible for you refined sugar and especially artificial sweetners are for you. You can find stevia flavour drops that you can add to water or coffee or tea of anything. Xylitol can be found in candies and gum mainly. Just stay clear of sugar and artificial sweetners, although 'sweet and low' and aspartame are low in calories, they will stall your diet and inevitably pack pounds on if you eat them.

2) Can we eat the same protein for lunch and dinner? (like 2 chicken or 2 beef).Yes, but some hCG gurus recommend that you mix it up a bit. My roomate lost 31.5 lbs in 30 days by eating chicken and lettuce or chicken and cottage cheese daily so what I recommend is: try to eat various proteins to detour boredom of food but the main thing is - eat things you enjoy to make it all more enjoyable. If you love one of the proteins enough to eat it daily, then it'll help you stick to the treatment and ensure your success.

3) Can we use Pam? How about fresh garlic and ginger? Also, is there a limit to the amount of spices like salt, pepper (and I use a Costco organic seasoning that contains no salt)No to Pam. it is an oil so will interupt your fat burning process. Fresh garlic and ginger are a yes though. Just keep calories in mind so that you don't go over your Dr Simeons' suggested 500 calorie VLCD diet. As far as bottled spices, check the label for oils first and then if they are just dry herbs then the sky's the limit!

4) Am I able to take Advil if needed? I am prone to headaches sometimes as my days are long in front of a computer and I am active with running/curling so sometimes my muscle/joints are sore.
Definitely! Just don't take any medication with oils in them. Omegas and vitamins E's are the sort of suppliments to stay clear from.

Thanks Peggy for the great questions.
I hope these answers help others lose more weight faster!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I have a question about the chicken and cottage cheese. Was it mixed together? Wouldn't that count as 2 proteins? OR was there veggies involved in the cottage cheese? Also I'm curious was it like Chicken and Lettuce for lunch and then Chicken mixed with cottage cheese for dinner?
